Saturday, October 4, 2008

Horrible loss with the greatest ending

We just were not ready for a team like that. The weather was horrible and half of our guys were probably scared

Well we kept Kalama's varisty in the whole time. We kind of shocked them by coming back and scoring after half time. Towards the end of the second quarter and the rest of the game it was a pretty even game. But by half time, it was just to late for it being an even matched game..


So we throw to one of our WR's and our WR stopped and stood there completely still in the middle of the field with the ball, and the corner had the funniest expression on his face like "What the he.." and then our WR did the world's greatest pitch to our other WR and the corner just sat their staring and let our WR run 30 yards and score. Yeah and it was pretty great.

When you are up or down by a lot or there short time on the clock, how does a team not see this coming? We have done it with 4.7 seconds left in a half (which put us up 7-6) and we did it when we were losing.. seriously lol. how does anyone not see it coming?


We have to get ready for stevenson. We can not underestimate them like we did winlock. We should be 4-1 right now, but in reality we are 2-3 or 0-1.

Lets stay focused.

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