Thursday, August 21, 2008

TENACITY: The First Practices

One word, one thought, one PURPOSE! MOVE WITH TENACITY! This year we, the Naselle football team has a new "catch phrase": move with tenacity. Our defensive coach describes tenacity as a quality of purpose that is fast and strong. Last year his phrase was "Always move with a purpose" this year he said we are going to step it up a notch and "Move with tenacity". For a player this means to always hit hard, block well, run quickly, but most of all honor your responsiblity. For example defensive end, he always has outside containment and the rest of the team is counting on him to move with tenacity to get his job done well.

We are coached by Jeff Eaton, Clyde Glick, and Paul Wirkkala and started practice on Wednesday. There are 30 players out this year, which is higher than the last few years. There is even rumor of a full JV team.

I am very pleased with practices so far. Everyone is focused, ready to work and are paying attention. I know many of us are sore, I am, but we all know that if we want to be the best we can be conditioning, hard work, and monotonous practices are to expected and excepted. We will be doing most of the same stuff we did last year, but this year we move with TENACITY!

Alan Erickson


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this site! I will be checking in!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this site! I will be checking in!